Do you have a favorite Wildlife or Conservation Fund or charity that you support? Do you feel for the plight of the Elephants? Lions? Tigers? Do you want to save the Whales or the Baby Seals etc? Do you support other Causes that are concerned with Wildlife Protection? Do you regularly support the guide dogs for the blind? Does your heart ache for young children, who will never see old age… dying of Cancer? Maybe you like to support a Make-a-Wish type charity for these children. Or does your heart bleed for young Moms dying an early death from breast cancer?
Did you know? 25,000 people that die from hunger EACH day… 17 People will have died while you read this email. There are 30 million alone in
If you DO care & you have a Giver’s heart, you will appreciate that “Giving feels Good”
WHAT IF I told you, you could easily raise big funds for your favorite charities? How much would you like to raise each month? e.g. $1000? $5000? maybe $10,000? $20,000? …more? So, what happens when you reach your goal of $5000 (e.g.) in a month Wouldn’t you be excited if I told you that we would match your $5000 (e.g.) & donate a further $5000..each month to HELP END HUNGER NOW. Wouldn’t that be fulfilling & exciting? HERE IS SOMETHING EVEN MORE amazing; that $5000 you raised. is RESIDUAL income. SO NOW multiply that $5000 e.g by 12 months Do you think $60,000 a year e.g. would be of huge benefit to your favorite cause? Don’t forget… a further $60,000 (a year) is donated for meals to END HUNGER .. at the exact same time. How rewarding is that? This is A WIN / WIN / WIN program for EVERYONE (& there’s even MORE BENEFITS .. I don’t have space to list them here so just …ask me! ) We have absolutely EVERYTHING in place to swing this plan into full action TODAY. All we need is YOU….we need your help by becoming an Awareness Volunteer. There is NO Obligation… Just register online to become an Official AWARENESS Volunteer… And help us raise awareness about the World Hunger Problem. The first 3000 Awareness Volunteers will be officially recognized as FOUNDING Volunteers You will NEED an ENROLLER TO BECOME an Awareness Volunteer, Your ENROLLER is Help End Hunger. Visit the Help end Hunger Site: then click on the red AWARENESS VOLUNTEER box & register for your FREE weekly e-newsletter. "The Hunger Monitor"
BUT the FIRST STEP IN THIS PROCESS is for you to become an AWARENESS VOLUNTEER and register for your... FREE weekly e-newsletter. "The Hunger Monitor" Go to this Website Your ENROLLER is Help End Hunger. You can contact Jeffrey by email: or by Phone: 1 440-725-3729 Home | About Us | Links Page | Contact Us | BLOG | Saving Lives Online | Its Good Business Copyright © 2006 Designed by JLS Designs It - "A Franchise Business Company" |